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ARTS >> Arts & Crafts
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A variety of arts and crafts classes including painting, drawing and more.

Please click on the course title to see the full course description.
If you have questions, please provide us with the course title and number when
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Class ID: 23076

Tuition: $99.00

Schedule : Weekly - Thu 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; 4 sessions; starting 11/7/2024, ending 12/5/2024 ; Class Skip Dates : (No class on 11/28/2024)

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location: Los Angeles Valley College Location : 
  Los Angeles Valley College.

Instructor : Carmen MacDonald 

Please read: 1.-The artist may tilt, blow, spin, or ...More

Basics of Sewing - Level 1: Beginning »

Click to choose from multiple offerings

Class ID: 23170

Tuition: $119.00

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM; 5 sessions; starting 10/26/2024, ending 11/23/2024

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location: Los Angeles Valley College Location : 
  Los Angeles Valley College.

Instructor : Ashley Trutanich 

Please read: PJ PANTS PROJECT: • 3 yards of non-stretch ...More


Class ID: 23064

Tuition: $45.00

Schedule : Daily - Sat 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM; starting 11/23/2024, ending 11/23/2024

Materials Cost: $30.00

Location: Los Angeles Valley College Location : 
  Los Angeles Valley College.

Instructor : Quayum M Abdul 


Class ID: 23065

Tuition: $45.00

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM; starting 11/23/2024, ending 11/23/2024

Materials Cost: $30.00

Location: Los Angeles Valley College Location : 
  Los Angeles Valley College.

Instructor : Quayum M Abdul 


Class ID: 23158

Tuition: $37.00

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM; starting 12/14/2024, ending 12/14/2024

Materials Cost: $12.00

Location: Los Angeles Valley College Location : 
  Los Angeles Valley College.

Instructor : Raquel Fournier 

Class ID: 23068

Tuition: $69.00

Schedule : Weekly - Tue 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; 3 sessions; starting 11/5/2024, ending 11/19/2024

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location: Los Angeles Valley College Location : 
  Los Angeles Valley College.

Instructor : Rosemary May 

Call 818-947-2577 to register

Class ID: 23163

Tuition: $39.00

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 11/16/2024, ending 11/16/2024

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location: Los Angeles Valley College Location : 
  Los Angeles Valley College.

Instructor : Raquel Fournier 

Please read: Materials Needed: Hairbrush and comb, hair ...More