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ENRICHMENT >> Personal Interest
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Makeup and other classes for those interested in personal growth and learning.

Please click on the course title to see the full course description.
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Class ID: 23093

Tuition: $49.00

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM; starting 11/16/2024, ending 11/16/2024

Materials Cost: $12.00

Location: Los Angeles Valley College Location : 
  Los Angeles Valley College.

Instructor : Margaret Noji 

Please read: Please bring a snack to class.

Class ID: 23122

Tuition: $64.00

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 11/23/2024, ending 11/23/2024

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location: Class-Online Location : 

Instructor : Stacy Dymalski 

Restorative Yoga »

Click to choose from multiple offerings

Class ID: 23120

Tuition: $49.00

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; starting 11/9/2024, ending 11/9/2024

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location: Class-Online Location : 

Instructor : Stacy Dymalski